Με την παρούσα πολιτική cookie, θα θέλαμε να εξηγήσουμε τι είναι τα cookies και οι τεχνολογίες που μοιάζουν με cookie, πώς τα χρησιμοποιούμε εμείς και άλλοι πάροχοι υπηρεσιών σε αυτόν τον ιστότοπο, ποιες πληροφορίες συλλέγουν, για πόσο χρονικό διάστημα και για ποιους σκοπούς τα χρησιμοποιούμε.
Πίνακας περιεχομένων
- Υπεύθυνος επεξεργασίας του ιστοτόπου
- Προσθήκη στην πολιτική απορρήτου
- Τι είναι τα cookies και παρόμοιες τεχνολογίες;
- Ποια είναι η νομική βάση για τη ρύθμιση/ανάγνωση των cookies;
- Ποια δικαιώματα έχει ο επισκέπτης του ιστοτόπου;
- Πώς να διαχειριστείτε τα cookies σε ένα πρόγραμμα περιήγησης;
- Ποιοι τύποι cookies υπάρχουν;
- Ποιος μπορεί να ρυθμίσει cookies σε αυτόν τον ιστότοπο;
- Ποια cookies χρησιμοποιούνται σε αυτόν τον ιστότοπο;
Υπεύθυνος επεξεργασίας του ιστοτόπου
- Πάροχος: Μαρίνου Αντύπα 62-66, Ηράκλειο, ΤΚ 14121, Ελλάδα
- Διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου: info@horrormovies.gr
- Φόρμα επικοινωνίας: horrormovies.gr/contact/
Προσθήκη στην πολιτική απορρήτου
Αυτή η πολιτική cookie αποτελεί συμπλήρωμα της πολιτικής απορρήτου αυτού του ιστότοπου. Η πολιτική cookie καθορίζει τον τρόπο με τον οποίο ένας ιστότοπος χρησιμοποιεί cookies και ποια δεδομένα συλλέγει μέσω αυτών, ενώ η πολιτική απορρήτου αποτελεί μια πιο ολοκληρωμένη επισκόπηση όλων των δραστηριοτήτων επεξεργασίας δεδομένων στον ιστότοπο και πέραν αυτού.
Τι είναι τα cookies και παρόμοιες τεχνολογίες;
Τα cookies είναι μικρά κομμάτια πληροφοριών που μοιάζουν με αρχεία κειμένου και μπορούν να αποθηκευτούν και να διαβαστούν στην τελική συσκευή. Εξυπηρετούν διάφορους σκοπούς, όπως τη διατήρηση των βασικών λειτουργιών του ιστότοπου, την ασφάλεια και την ιδιωτικότητα, την παροχή προαιρετικών λειτουργιών του ιστότοπου, τη συλλογή στατιστικών δεδομένων σχετικά με τις ροές των επισκεπτών και την παροχή συστημάτων μάρκετινγκ. Πρακτικά παραδείγματα του τι μπορεί να αποθηκευτεί σε cookies είναι η αποθήκευση της κατάστασης σύνδεσης σε λογαριασμούς χρηστών, το περιεχόμενο των καλαθιών αγορών σε πλατφόρμες ηλεκτρονικού εμπορίου ή ένα αναγνωριστικό χρήστη για την παρακολούθηση της συμπεριφοράς στον ιστότοπο.
Οι πληροφορίες μπορούν τεχνικά να αποθηκευτούν με διάφορους τρόπους. Τα πιο γνωστά παραδείγματα είναι τα HTTP cookies και οι τεχνολογίες που μοιάζουν με cookie, όπως η τοπική αποθήκευση, η αποθήκευση συνόδου ή η IndexedDB. Κάθε τύπος αποθήκευσης έχει διαφορετικές ιδιότητες, οι οποίες καθορίζουν τον τεχνικό χειρισμό, την προσβασιμότητα και τους υπεύθυνους που έχουν δικαίωμα πρόσβασης στις πληροφορίες. Όλοι αυτοί οι τύποι αποθήκευσης συνοψίζονται συνήθως υπό τον όρο "cookies" και ως εκ τούτου αποκαλούνται ως τέτοιοι στην παρούσα πολιτική cookie.
Ποια είναι η νομική βάση για τη ρύθμιση/ανάγνωση των cookies;
Η τοποθέτηση και η ανάγνωση των cookies στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (ΕΕ) και τον Ευρωπαϊκό Οικονομικό Χώρο (ΕΟΧ) επιτρέπεται σύμφωνα με την Άρθρο 4 (5) του νόμου 3471/2006 (Προστασία των δεδομένων προσωπικού χαρακτήρα και της ιδιωτικότητας στον τομέα των ηλεκτρονικών επικοινωνιών και τροποποίηση του νόμου 2472/1997) μόνο εάν ο χρήστης έχει δώσει τη συναίνεσή του βάσει πλήρους ενημέρωσης σχετικά με τους σκοπούς της επεξεργασίας. Ο διαχειριστής του ιστότοπου μπορεί επίσης να θέσει cookies εάν είναι απολύτως απαραίτητα για την παροχή σε εσάς ως χρήστη της ρητά ζητούμενης υπηρεσίας, π.χ. το βασικό περιεχόμενο του παρόντος ιστότοπου ή άλλα απολύτως απαραίτητα cookies για τη βασική λειτουργία του ιστότοπου που θα σας εμφανιστεί χωρίς τη συναίνεσή σας.
Ποια δικαιώματα έχει ο επισκέπτης του ιστοτόπου;
Οι υπηρεσίες και τα cookies τους μπορούν να οριστούν και να διαβαστούν με βάση τη συναίνεσή σας ή το δημόσιο συμφέρον. Όταν επισκεφτήκατε για πρώτη φορά αυτόν τον ιστότοπο, σας ζητήθηκε η συναίνεσή σας και είχατε τη δυνατότητα να αντιταχθείτε στη χρήση ορισμένων υπηρεσιών. Στον διάλογο συναίνεσης, εξηγήσαμε ποια νομική βάση χρησιμοποιείται για κάθε υπηρεσία.
Έχετε το δικαίωμα να δείτε το ιστορικό των αποφάσεών σας, να αλλάξετε τις ρυθμίσεις απορρήτου, να αντιταχθείτε στη χρήση υπηρεσιών και να ανακαλέσετε τη συναίνεσή σας ανά πάσα στιγμή. Παρακάτω θα βρείτε επιλογές για την άσκηση των δικαιωμάτων σας:
Πώς να διαχειριστείτε τα cookies σε ένα πρόγραμμα περιήγησης;
- Πώς να αφαιρέσετε τα cookies σε ένα πρόγραμμα περιήγησης: Για να αφαιρέσετε τα cookies από τη συσκευή σας, μπορείτε να διαγράψετε τα δεδομένα περιήγησης στις ρυθμίσεις του προγράμματος περιήγησής σας. Αυτή η ενέργεια θα αφαιρέσει όλα τα cookies από όλους τους ιστότοπους που έχετε επισκεφθεί, συμπεριλαμβανομένων ενδεχομένως των αποθηκευμένων στοιχείων σύνδεσης και των προτιμήσεων του ιστότοπου. Σε ορισμένα προγράμματα περιήγησης, μπορείτε απλώς να διαγράψετε τα cookies και παρόμοια δεδομένα χωρίς να διαγράψετε ολόκληρο το ιστορικό περιήγησης.
- Πώς να ελέγχετε τα cookies σε ένα πρόγραμμα περιήγησης: Για πιο λεπτομερή έλεγχο των cookies που αφορούν συγκεκριμένους ιστότοπους, μεταβείτε στις ρυθμίσεις απορρήτου και cookies στο πρόγραμμα περιήγησης που χρησιμοποιείτε. Εδώ, μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε τις προτιμήσεις που σχετίζονται με τη χρήση cookies από μεμονωμένους ιστότοπους.
- Πώς να μπλοκάρετε τα cookies σε ένα πρόγραμμα περιήγησης: Μπορείτε να διαμορφώσετε τις ρυθμίσεις των περισσότερων σύγχρονων προγραμμάτων περιήγησης ώστε να αποκλείσετε την τοποθέτηση όλων των cookies στη συσκευή σας. Όμως, ο αποκλεισμός των cookies μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε μη σωστή λειτουργία ορισμένων υπηρεσιών και λειτουργιών, π.χ. σύνδεση ως χρήστης. Μπορείτε επίσης να χρησιμοποιήσετε επεκτάσεις για πολλά προγράμματα περιήγησης, οι οποίες μπορούν να μπλοκάρουν τη ρύθμιση των cookies σε ιστότοπους.
- Πώς να διαχειριστείτε τα cookies σε αυτόν τον ιστότοπο: Μπορείτε να αλλάξετε τις προτιμήσεις σας ανά πάσα στιγμή κάνοντας κλικ στο σύνδεσμο στην ενότητα "Δικαιώματα του επισκέπτη του ιστότοπου".
Μπορείτε να βρείτε περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με το χειρισμό των cookies devowl.io/rcb/cookie-handling/.
Ποιοι τύποι cookies υπάρχουν;
- Τα απαραίτητα cookies είναι αναγκαία για τη βασική λειτουργικότητα ενός ιστότοπου και επιτρέπουν λειτουργίες όπως η αποθήκευση πληροφοριών σύνδεσης ή η πρόσβαση σε ασφαλείς περιοχές του ιστότοπου. Σε αυτά περιλαμβάνονται, για παράδειγμα, τα cookies ασφαλείας, τα οποία μπορούν να αναγνωρίσουν ένα bot που δεν είναι επιθυμητό στον ιστότοπο, αποθηκεύοντας ένα κλειδί ελέγχου ταυτότητας σε ένα cookie.
- Τα λειτουργικά cookies βελτιώνουν την εμπειρία του χρήστη, αποθηκεύοντας πληροφορίες και προτιμήσεις, όπως ρυθμίσεις γλώσσας ή εμφάνισης του ιστότοπου για την παροχή εξατομικευμένων υπηρεσιών. Αυτό περιλαμβάνει, για παράδειγμα, cookies προτιμήσεων που αποθηκεύουν την προτιμώμενη ποιότητα βίντεο του χρήστη σε έναν ιστότοπο.
- Τα cookies στατιστικών στοιχείων συλλέγουν δεδομένα σχετικά με τη χρήση ενός ιστότοπου για να αποκτήσουν πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη συμπεριφορά των χρηστών και να βελτιστοποιήσουν την απόδοση του ιστότοπου. Αυτό περιλαμβάνει, για παράδειγμα, ένα τυχαία καθορισμένο αναγνωριστικό χρήστη που καθιστά δυνατή τη μέτρηση του κατά πόσον έχετε επισκεφθεί μια υποσελίδα του ιστότοπου.
- Τα διαφημιστικά cookies χρησιμοποιούνται για την παρακολούθηση της συμπεριφοράς των χρηστών σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και για την προβολή εξατομικευμένης διαφήμισης με βάση τα ενδιαφέροντα και τη συμπεριφορά πλοήγησης των χρηστών. Αυτό περιλαμβάνει, για παράδειγμα, διαφημιστικά cookies που αποθηκεύουν μια αλληλεπίδραση με μια διαφήμιση στον ιστότοπο και τη διαβιβάζουν στους διαφημιστές ή ένα σύστημα συνομιλίας για ερωτήσεις πριν από την πώληση και την υποστήριξη πελατών.
Ποιος μπορεί να ρυθμίσει cookies σε αυτόν τον ιστότοπο;
Σε αυτόν τον ιστότοπο, τόσο ο διαχειριστής του ιστότοπου όσο και οι υπηρεσίες τρίτων που χρησιμοποιούνται σε αυτόν μπορούν να θέτουν cookies και να έχουν πρόσβαση στο περιεχόμενό τους. Το ποιος μπορεί να έχει πρόσβαση σε ποια cookies και στο περιεχόμενό τους διαφέρει μεταξύ των cookies πρώτου μέρους και των cookies τρίτου μέρους. Τα cookies πρώτου μέρους δημιουργούνται από τον ιστότοπο που επισκέπτεστε και μπορούν να διαβαστούν μόνο από τον διαχειριστή του ιστότοπου και τις ενσωματωμένες υπηρεσίες τρίτων σε αυτόν τον ιστότοπο. Αντίθετα, τα cookies τρίτου μέρους δημιουργούνται συνήθως από υπηρεσίες τρίτων σε άλλους τομείς, μπορούν να διαβαστούν σε όλους τους ιστότοπους στους οποίους είναι ενσωματωμένη η υπηρεσία που ελέγχει τον τομέα και, για παράδειγμα, χρησιμοποιούνται από διαφημιστικά δίκτυα για την παρακολούθηση της συμπεριφοράς των χρηστών σε διαφορετικούς ιστότοπους και την προσφορά εξατομικευμένης διαφήμισης.
Ποια cookies χρησιμοποιούνται σε αυτόν τον ιστότοπο;
Κατηγορία | Τεχνικό όνομα cookie | Τεχνικός εξυπηρετητής cookie | Υπηρεσία | Διάρκεια | Τύπος | Σκοπός |
Απαραίτητο | wordpress_logged_in_* | horrormovies.gr | WordPress User Login | Session | HTTP Cookie | - |
Απαραίτητο | wp-settings-*-* | horrormovies.gr | WordPress User Login | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Απαραίτητο | wordpress_test_cookie | horrormovies.gr | WordPress User Login | Session | HTTP Cookie | - |
Απαραίτητο | wordpress_sec_* | horrormovies.gr | WordPress User Login | Session | HTTP Cookie | - |
Απαραίτητο | __cf_bm | .horrormovies.gr | Cloudflare | 30 λεπτά | HTTP Cookie | Identifies and mitigates bot traffic |
Απαραίτητο | cf_ob_info | .horrormovies.gr | Cloudflare | 30 δευτερόλεπτα | HTTP Cookie | Provides data for Always Online service (replacement content in the event of a server failure) and fetches cached resources |
Απαραίτητο | cf_use_ob | .horrormovies.gr | Cloudflare | 30 δευτερόλεπτα | HTTP Cookie | Provides data for Always Online service (replacement content in the event of a server failure) and fetches cached resources |
Απαραίτητο | __cfwaitingroom | .horrormovies.gr | Cloudflare | Session | HTTP Cookie | Tracks visitors in the waiting room during high traffic and server overload |
Απαραίτητο | __cfseq | .horrormovies.gr | Cloudflare | Session | HTTP Cookie | Tracks request sequences and timing |
Απαραίτητο | __cfruid | .horrormovies.gr | Cloudflare | Session | HTTP Cookie | Supports rate limiting by managing traffic and tracking request origins |
Απαραίτητο | _cfuvid | .horrormovies.gr | Cloudflare | Session | HTTP Cookie | Identifies individual users sharing the same IP address. |
Απαραίτητο | cf_clearance | .horrormovies.gr | Cloudflare | 30 λεπτά | HTTP Cookie | Stores proof of anti bot challenge passed |
Απαραίτητο | cf_chl_rc_i | .horrormovies.gr | Cloudflare | Session | HTTP Cookie | Internal use to identify production problems |
Απαραίτητο | cf_chl_rc_ni | .horrormovies.gr | Cloudflare | Session | HTTP Cookie | Internal use to identify production problems |
Απαραίτητο | cf_chl_rc_m | .horrormovies.gr | Cloudflare | Session | HTTP Cookie | Internal use to identify production problems |
Απαραίτητο | __cflb | .horrormovies.gr | Cloudflare | Session | HTTP Cookie | Keeps the user connected to the same server during their session |
Απαραίτητο | real_cookie_banner* | .horrormovies.gr | Real Cookie Banner | 365 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | Μοναδικό αναγνωριστικό για τη συγκατάθεση, αλλά όχι για τον επισκέπτη του ιστότοπου. Κατακερματισμός αναθεώρησης για τις ρυθμίσεις του cookie banner (κείμενα, χρώματα, χαρακτηριστικά, ομάδες υπηρεσιών, υπηρεσίες, αποκλειστές περιεχομένου κ.λπ.). Αναγνωριστικά για τις υπηρεσίες και τις ομάδες υπηρεσιών που έχουν δώσει τη συγκατάθεσή τους. |
Απαραίτητο | real_cookie_banner*-tcf | .horrormovies.gr | Real Cookie Banner | 365 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | Συναινέσεις που συλλέγονται στο πλαίσιο του TCF και αποθηκεύονται σε μορφή TC String, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των πωλητών TCF, των σκοπών, των ειδικών σκοπών, των χαρακτηριστικών και των ειδικών χαρακτηριστικών. |
Απαραίτητο | real_cookie_banner*-gcm | .horrormovies.gr | Real Cookie Banner | 365 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | Συναίνεση σε τύπους συναίνεσης (σκοπούς) που συλλέγονται στο πλαίσιο της λειτουργίας Google Consent Mode και αποθηκεύονται για όλες τις υπηρεσίες που είναι συμβατές με τη λειτουργία Google Consent Mode. |
Απαραίτητο | real_cookie_banner-test | .horrormovies.gr | Real Cookie Banner | 365 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | Cookie που έχει οριστεί για να δοκιμάσει τη λειτουργικότητα των cookies HTTP. Διαγράφεται αμέσως μετά τη δοκιμή. |
Απαραίτητο | real_cookie_banner* | https://horrormovies.gr | Real Cookie Banner | - | Local Storage | Μοναδικό αναγνωριστικό για τη συγκατάθεση, αλλά όχι για τον επισκέπτη του ιστότοπου. Κατακερματισμός αναθεώρησης για τις ρυθμίσεις του cookie banner (κείμενα, χρώματα, χαρακτηριστικά, ομάδες υπηρεσιών, υπηρεσίες, αποκλειστές περιεχομένου κ.λπ.). Αναγνωριστικά για τις υπηρεσίες και τις ομάδες υπηρεσιών που έχουν δώσει τη συγκατάθεσή τους. Αποθηκεύεται μόνο μέχρι να τεκμηριωθεί η συγκατάθεση στον διακομιστή του ιστότοπου. |
Απαραίτητο | real_cookie_banner*-tcf | https://horrormovies.gr | Real Cookie Banner | - | Local Storage | Συναινέσεις που συλλέγονται στο πλαίσιο του TCF και αποθηκεύονται σε μορφή TC String, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των πωλητών TCF, των σκοπών, των ειδικών σκοπών, των χαρακτηριστικών και των ειδικών χαρακτηριστικών. Αποθηκεύεται μόνο μέχρι να τεκμηριωθεί η συγκατάθεση στον διακομιστή του ιστότοπου. |
Απαραίτητο | real_cookie_banner*-gcm | https://horrormovies.gr | Real Cookie Banner | - | Local Storage | Οι συγκαταθέσεις που συλλέγονται στο πλαίσιο της λειτουργίας Google Consent Mode αποθηκεύονται σε τύπους συγκαταθέσεων (σκοποί) για όλες τις υπηρεσίες που είναι συμβατές με τη λειτουργία Google Consent Mode. Αποθηκεύεται μόνο μέχρι να τεκμηριωθεί η συγκατάθεση στον διακομιστή του ιστότοπου. |
Απαραίτητο | real_cookie_banner-consent-queue* | https://horrormovies.gr | Real Cookie Banner | - | Local Storage | Τοπική προσωρινή αποθήκευση της επιλογής στο cookie banner μέχρι να τεκμηριώσει ο διακομιστής τη συγκατάθεση- τεκμηρίωση περιοδικά ή κατά την εναλλαγή σελίδων που επιχειρείται εάν ο διακομιστής δεν είναι διαθέσιμος ή υπερφορτωμένος. |
Λειτουργικό | armadillo_msgr_data_loss_stats | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | mw_worker_ready | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | armadillo_msgr_mutex | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | armadillo_msgr_local_takeover | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | falco_queue_immediately* | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | falco_queue_critical* | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | falco_queue_log* | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | _video_bandwidthEstimate | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | c_user | .facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | Authenticates you as a Facebook user and keeps you logged in as you navigate between pages |
Λειτουργικό | fr | .facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | 3 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | wd | .facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | 7 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | Dimensions of the browser window to provide an optimal experience on the device screen |
Λειτουργικό | presence | .facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | Session | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | xs | .facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | Authenticates you as a Facebook user and keeps you logged in as you navigate between pages |
Λειτουργικό | sb | .facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | 2 έτη | HTTP Cookie | Identifies your browser |
Λειτουργικό | datr | .facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | Identifies your browser and helps to identify browsers used by malicious actors and to prevent cyber-security attacks |
Λειτουργικό | dpr | .facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | 7 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | TabId | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | SESSION | Session Storage | Unique session ID for an active browser tab |
Λειτουργικό | Session | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | hb_timestamp | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | CacheStorageVersion | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | Version number of the cache to ensure compatibility |
Λειτουργικό | signal_flush_timestamp | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | channel_sub:* | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | act | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | _cs_marauder_last_session_id | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | _cs_marauder_last_event_time | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | JewelBase:count-updated | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ps: | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | _oz_bandwidthAndTTFBSamples | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | _oz_bandwidthEstimate | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | banzai:last_storage_flush | www.facebook.com | Facebook (Posts and Videos) | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | comment_author_* | horrormovies.gr | WordPress Comments | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | comment_author_email_* | horrormovies.gr | WordPress Comments | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | comment_author_url_* | horrormovies.gr | WordPress Comments | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | sp_landing | .spotify.com | Spotify | 2 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | URL of the website on which Spotify is embedded |
Λειτουργικό | sp_t | .spotify.com | Spotify | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:toggleNowPlayingView | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:npv-onboarding-dismissed | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|EVENT|2|*|UbiProd1PageTransitionNonAuth|1 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:ylx-expanded-state-nav-bar-width | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:opened-folder-uri | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player-rc|SEQ_NUM|*|ConfigurationAppliedNonAuth | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|EVENT|1|*|KmPageViewNonAuth|1 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|SEQ_NUM|*|WwwExperimentsNonAuth | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:ylx-default-state-nav-bar-width | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|EVENT|8|*|UbiProd1ImpressionNonAuth|2 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:items-view | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player-rc|GLOBAL_SEQ_NUM | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:ylx-sidebar-state | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|EVENT|13|*|UbiProd1ImpressionNonAuth|7 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|EVENT|10|*|UbiProd1ImpressionNonAuth|4 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player-rc|EVENT|5|*|SptCookieConsentClientNonAuth|3 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|EVENT|6|*|KmPageViewNonAuth|2 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:nowPlayingCoverExpandedState | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|EVENT|4|*|WwwExperimentsNonAuth|1 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|SEQ_NUM|*|UbiProd1PageTransitionNonAuth | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:npv-onboarding-never-show-again | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|SEQ_NUM|*|UbiProd1ImpressionNonAuth | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:onboarding-dismissed-amount:ylx-playlist-ordering | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|EVENT|5|*|WwwExperimentsNonAuth|2 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player-rc|SEQ_NUM|*|SptCookieConsentClientNonAuth | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:ylx-active-filter-ids | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player-rc|EVENT|2|*|SptCookieConsentClientNonAuth|1 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:ylx-active-sort-order-by-filter-id | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player-rc|EVENT|4|*|SptCookieConsentClientNonAuth|2 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player-rc|EVENT|3|*|ConfigurationAppliedNonAuth|2 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|EVENT|3|*|UbiProd1ImpressionNonAuth|1 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|EVENT|7|*|UbiProd1PageTransitionNonAuth|2 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:npv-onboarding-dismissed-time | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:remote-config-overrides | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|GLOBAL_SEQ_NUM | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|SEQ_NUM|*==|KmPageViewNonAuth | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|EVENT|11|*==|UbiProd1ImpressionNonAuth|5 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | loglevel | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|EVENT|9|*|UbiProd1ImpressionNonAuth|3 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|EVENT|12|*|UbiProd1ImpressionNonAuth|6 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:lintHtmlWithCss | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player-rc|STORAGE_ID | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:ui-panel-state | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:library-row-mode | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|STORAGE_ID | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player-rc|EVENT|1|*|ConfigurationAppliedNonAuth|1 | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:onboarding-dismissed:ylx-playlist-ordering | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player|INSTALLATION_ID | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:isPlaybackBarRemainingTimeToggled | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | anonymous:ylx-expanded-folders | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | _grecaptcha | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|*-web-player-rc|INSTALLATION_ID | https://open.spotify.com/ | Spotify | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | OptanonConsent | .spotify.com | Spotify | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _gcl_au | .spotify.com | Spotify | 4 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | sp_dc | .spotify.com | Spotify | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _cs_c | .spotify.com | Spotify | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _cs_s | .spotify.com | Spotify | 1 ώρα | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _ga | .spotify.com | Spotify | 14 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID for analyzing general user behavior across different websites |
Λειτουργικό | _ga_* | .spotify.com | Spotify | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID for analyzing user behavior on this website for reports on the use of the website |
Λειτουργικό | _cs_id | .spotify.com | Spotify | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _gat | .spotify.com | Spotify | 1 ώρα | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _cs_mk_ga | .spotify.com | Spotify | 15 ώρες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | sp_key | .spotify.com | Spotify | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID for tracking a user |
Λειτουργικό | eupubconsent-v2 | .spotify.com | Spotify | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | OptanonAlertBoxClosed | .spotify.com | Spotify | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | sp_adid | .spotify.com | Spotify | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID for tracking a user's advertising preferences |
Λειτουργικό | _gid | .spotify.com | Spotify | 2 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _scid | .spotify.com | Spotify | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | sp_gaid | .spotify.com | Spotify | 2 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _gat_UA-* | .spotify.com | Spotify | 1 ώρα | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|s4p-hosted|INSTALLATION_ID | https://podcasters.spotify.com | Spotify | - | Local Storage | Device ID as identifier for the installation |
Λειτουργικό | ES|s4p-hosted|STORAGE_ID | https://podcasters.spotify.com | Spotify | - | Local Storage | Device ID for the assignment of sessions and user actions |
Λειτουργικό | com.spotify.single.item.cache:anchor-public-website | https://podcasters.spotify.com | Spotify | - | Local Storage | Configuration data for the Spotify website, which flags are activated, such as the activation of certain visual banners |
Λειτουργικό | optimizely-vuid | https://podcasters.spotify.com | Spotify | - | Local Storage | Device ID for optimising the website through A/B testing, for example |
Λειτουργικό | sp_m | .spotify.com | Spotify | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _fbp | .spotify.com | Spotify | 3 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID with Meta Pixel (former Facebook Pixel) to track user interactions |
Λειτουργικό | _gali | .spotify.com | Spotify | 1 ώρα | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _scid_r | .spotify.com | Spotify | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | ES|s4p-hosted|SEQ_NUM|*=|EventSenderStats2NonAuth | https://podcasters.spotify.com | Spotify | - | Local Storage | Sequence number for logging events for unauthenticated users |
Λειτουργικό | _twitter_sess | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | Session | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _gid | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 1 ημέρα | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | gt | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 1 ώρα | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | ct0 | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | guest_id | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | personalization_id | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | twid | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | auth_token | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | kdt | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _ga | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | guest_id_ads | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | d_prefs | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 6 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | att | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 1 ημέρα | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | guest_id_marketing | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | external_referer | .twitter.com | X (former Twitter) | 7 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | RichHistory | https://platform.twitter.com/ | X (former Twitter) | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | RichHistory | https://syndication.twitter.com/ | X (former Twitter) | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | WIDGET::local::assignments | w.soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | - | Local Storage | Version number of the object, configurations for different function levels to test functions (e.g. for advertising or recommendations) |
Λειτουργικό | WIDGET::local::broadcast | w.soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | - | Local Storage | Timestamp, broadcast type (e.g. audio) and application ID |
Λειτουργικό | soundcloud_session_hint | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | Session | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | connect_session | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | Session | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | rubicon_last_sync | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 2 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | Last synchronisation time with the ‘Rubicon’ protocol, which is used to manage ads and bidding processes |
Λειτουργικό | _gid | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 2 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | Google Analytics user ID for tracking page views and interactions |
Λειτουργικό | ja | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 1 μήνας | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _fbp | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 4 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID with Meta Pixel (former Facebook Pixel) to track user interactions |
Λειτουργικό | ab.storage.deviceId.* | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | ab.storage.userId.* | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | ab.storage.sessionId.* | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | _ga | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 14 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID for analyzing general user behavior across different websites |
Λειτουργικό | sc_anonymous_id | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 14 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID for tracking user interactions on SoundCloud |
Λειτουργικό | AF_SYNC | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 8 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | datadome | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | OptanonConsent | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | Settings for users to consent to Soundcloud services storing their preferences |
Λειτουργικό | ajs_user_id | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | User ID, if user is signed-in at Soundcloud |
Λειτουργικό | sc_session | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 8 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | Session ID to track the progress and interactions within a session |
Λειτουργικό | _gcl_au | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 4 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | Google AdSense user ID for tracking conversions and optimizing ad delivery |
Λειτουργικό | __qca | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 14 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID from Quantcast for tracking user activity and displaying relevant advertising |
Λειτουργικό | __eoi | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 7 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID for collecting session and event information on user interaction on SoundCloud |
Λειτουργικό | __gads | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 14 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | Google AdSense user ID to serve ads and measure ad performance |
Λειτουργικό | __gpi | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 14 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID and timestamp for publishers and partners to use to manage advertisements |
Λειτουργικό | _ga_* | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 14 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID for analyzing user behavior on this website for reports on the use of the website |
Λειτουργικό | afUserId | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 14 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID for tracking user activities and interactions on SoundCloud |
Λειτουργικό | cookie_consent | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | Session | HTTP Cookie | Information on the user's consent to the use of cookies and the time of the decision |
Λειτουργικό | ajs_anonymous_id | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID for a user who is not signed in at Soundcloud |
Λειτουργικό | eupubconsent-v2 | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | OptanonAlertBoxClosed | .soundcloud.com | SoundCloud | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | rur | .instagram.com | Session | HTTP Cookie | - | |
Λειτουργικό | shbid | .instagram.com | 7 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | - | |
Λειτουργικό | shbts | .instagram.com | 7 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | - | |
Λειτουργικό | sessionid | .instagram.com | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - | |
Λειτουργικό | ds_user_id | .instagram.com | 3 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - | |
Λειτουργικό | csrftoken | .instagram.com | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - | |
Λειτουργικό | pigeon_state | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | mw_worker_ready | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | has_interop_upgraded | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | Session | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | armadillo_msgr_mutex | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | hb_timestamp | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | pixel_fire_ts | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | armadillo_msgr_local_takeover | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | cu_sessions | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | banzai:last_storage_flush | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | fr | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | cu_version | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | _oz_bandwidthAndTTFBSamples | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | armadillo_msgr_data_loss_stats | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | falco_queue_log* | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | _oz_bandwidthEstimate | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | falco_queue_critical* | https://www.instagram.com | - | Local Storage | - | |
Λειτουργικό | mid | .instagram.com | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - | |
Λειτουργικό | ig_did | .instagram.com | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - | |
Λειτουργικό | SIDCC | .google.com | YouTube | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | NID | .google.com | YouTube | 6 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | SIDCC | .youtube.com | YouTube | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | YSC | .youtube.com | YouTube | Session | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | .youtube.com | YouTube | 6 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | PREF | .youtube.com | YouTube | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | LOGIN_INFO | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | CONSENT | .youtube.com | YouTube | 9 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | CONSENT | .google.com | YouTube | 9 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Secure-3PAPISID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | SAPISID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | APISID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | HSID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Secure-3PSID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Secure-3PAPISID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | SAPISID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | HSID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | SSID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | SID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | SSID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | APISID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Secure-3PSID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | SID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | OTZ | www.google.com | YouTube | 1 ημέρα | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | IDE | .doubleclick.net | YouTube | 9 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | SOCS | .youtube.com | YouTube | 9 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | SOCS | .google.com | YouTube | 9 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-remote-device-id | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-player-headers-readable | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-fullerscreen-edu-button-shown-count | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-remote-connected-devices | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-player-bandwidth | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | LogsDatabaseV2:*|| | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Λειτουργικό | ServiceWorkerLogsDatabase | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Λειτουργικό | YtldbMeta | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Secure-YEC | .youtube.com | YouTube | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | test_cookie | .doubleclick.net | YouTube | 1 ημέρα | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-player-quality | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-player-performance-cap | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-player-volume | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | PersistentEntityStoreDb:*|| | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-idb-pref-storage:*|| | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt.innertube::nextId | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt.innertube::requests | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-html5-player-modules::subtitlesModuleData::module-enabled | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-remote-session-app | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-remote-cast-installed | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-player-volume | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-remote-session-name | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-remote-cast-available | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-remote-fast-check-period | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | SESSION | Session Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | *||::yt-player::yt-player-lv | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | Local Storage | - |
Λειτουργικό | swpushnotificationsdb | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-player-local-media:*|| | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Λειτουργικό | yt-it-response-store:*|| | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Λειτουργικό | __HOST-GAPS | accounts.google.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | OTZ | accounts.google.com | YouTube | 1 ημέρα | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Secure-1PSIDCC | .google.com | YouTube | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Secure-1PAPISID | .google.com | YouTube | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Secure-3PSIDCC | .youtube.com | YouTube | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Secure-1PAPISID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Secure-1PSID | .youtube.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Secure-3PSIDCC | .google.com | YouTube | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Secure-ENID | .google.com | YouTube | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | AEC | .google.com | YouTube | 6 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Secure-1PSID | .google.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | ytGefConfig:*|| | https://www.youtube.com | YouTube | - | IndexedDB | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Host-3PLSID | accounts.google.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | LSID | accounts.google.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | ACCOUNT_CHOOSER | accounts.google.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Λειτουργικό | __Host-1PLSID | accounts.google.com | YouTube | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Στατιστικά | _ga | .horrormovies.gr | Google Analytics | 24 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID for analyzing general user behavior across different websites |
Στατιστικά | _ga_* | .horrormovies.gr | Google Analytics | 24 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | User ID for analyzing user behavior on this website for reports on the use of the website |
Μάρκετινγκ | c_user | .facebook.com | Facebook (Like, Share and Comments) | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | User ID for cross-device user tracking |
Μάρκετινγκ | datr | .facebook.com | Facebook (Like, Share and Comments) | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | Device ID to identify a user who is not logged in, to prevent malicious users from changing the content of the website |
Μάρκετινγκ | dpr | .facebook.com | Facebook (Like, Share and Comments) | 7 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | Pixel ratio of the user's screen to determine whether ‘high-contrast mode’ is activated |
Μάρκετινγκ | wd | .facebook.com | Facebook (Like, Share and Comments) | 7 ημέρες | HTTP Cookie | Browser window size to dynamically adapt the user interface to the user's screen size |
Μάρκετινγκ | xs | .facebook.com | Facebook (Like, Share and Comments) | 1 έτος | HTTP Cookie | - |
Μάρκετινγκ | sb | .facebook.com | Facebook (Like, Share and Comments) | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Μάρκετινγκ | oo | .facebook.com | Facebook (Like, Share and Comments) | 13 μήνες | HTTP Cookie | - |
Προμηθευτές TCF | *_uid | *.ad-srv.net, *.rebounce.ai, *.simptrack.com, *.neory-tm.net | NEORY GmbH | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _dd_s | www.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 900 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __hs_opt_out | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 15768000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __hssrc | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __hstc | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _fbp | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _ga | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gcl_au | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gid | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _hjAbsoluteSessionProgress | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _hjSession | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _hjSessionUser | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | hubspotutk | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 15768000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | wg-slugs | tracking.adtech123.com | Moloco, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | khaos | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | khaos_p | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | audit | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | audit_p | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | trp_optout | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | trp_optout_p | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uids | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uids-audit | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cd | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | FPTrust | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | fcap | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | emilyRan | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | khaos | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sample_number | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pux | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tvid | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tvv | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tvssa | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 432000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tv_* | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tvrg_* | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 60 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tvfc_* | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tvdfc_* | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | csuuid | *.primis.tech | M.D. Primis Technologies Ltd. | 2160000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid | *.company-target.com | Demandbase, Inc. | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid_lu | *.company-target.com | Demandbase, Inc. | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | guid | *.de17a.com | Delta Projects AB | 31104000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | XXXXX_viewnew | * | mainADV Srl | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | XXXXX_conversionnew | * | mainADV Srl | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | XXXXX_productnew_ | * | mainADV Srl | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | fingerprint | * | mainADV Srl | 31104000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _lgc|XXXXX_view | * | mainADV Srl | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _lgc|XXXXX_conversion | * | mainADV Srl | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _lgc|XXXXX_fingerprint | * | mainADV Srl | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pid | ups.xplosion.de | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pid_short | ups.xplosion.de | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pid_signature | ups.xplosion.de | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ep | ups.xplosion.de | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ignore_* | ups.xplosion.de | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | adguid | *.ebayadservices.com | eBay Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | id | ad.yieldlab.net | Yieldlab (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | A3 | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | migrated2y | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 64800000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | optout | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 64800000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | rtbdata0 | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 64800000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | unique_ad_source_impression | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | token_adaptv_advertising_com | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 64800000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | adaptv_unique_user_cookie | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | adaptv_unique_user_id | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | IDSYNC | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _vm_datax_pixels | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TEARSHEET | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | vmcid | * | Yahoo EMEA Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | vmuuid | * | Yahoo EMEA Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sp-pause-until' | *.advertising.com, advertising.com, *.adap.tv, adap.tv, *.yahoo.com, yahoo.com, *.oath.com, oath.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uids | pbs.yahoo.com | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uuid2 | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uids | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sess | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | icu | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | anj | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | usersync | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pses | *.adnxs.com | Xandr, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uid | * | Wizaly | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | wzuid | * | Wizaly | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | wzts | * | Wizaly | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | wzup | * | Wizaly | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | wzsid | * | Wizaly | 3600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | wzvp | * | Wizaly | 3600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | wzcnst | * | Wizaly | 3600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | wzcpq | * | Wizaly | 3600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | wztld | * | Wizaly | 1 δευτερόλεπτο | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | AFFICHE_W | *.weborama.fr | Weborama | 33955200 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | wui | *.weborama.com | Weborama | 33955200 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | wam-sync | *.weborama.com | Weborama | 604800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tluid | *.3lift.com | Triple Lift, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tluidp | *.3lift.com | Triple Lift, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sync | *.3lift.com | Triple Lift, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | receive-cookie-deprecation | *.3lift.com | Triple Lift, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tdid | *.adsrvr.org | The UK Trade Desk Ltd | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tdcmp | *.adsrvr.org | The UK Trade Desk Ltd | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid | *.bidswitch.net | The MediaGrid Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid_lu | *.bidswitch.net | The MediaGrid Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | c | *.bidswitch.net | The MediaGrid Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DW | *.insightexpressai.com | The Kantar Group Limited | 78892380 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DW_Time | *.insightexpressai.com | The Kantar Group Limited | 78892380 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TID | *.insightexpressai.com | The Kantar Group Limited | 78892380 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tt_viewer | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tt_bluekai | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tt_emetriq | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tt_exelate | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tt_liveramp | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tt_neustar | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tt_retargetly | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tt_salesforce | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tt_skp | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tt_dar | teads.tv | Teads France SAS | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | taboola_session_id | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | taboola_select | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | taboola_fp_td_user_id | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | t_gid | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | t_pt_gid | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | trc_cookie_storage | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _tb_sess_r | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _tb_t_ppg | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | abLdr | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | 10800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | abMbl | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | 10800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tb_click_param | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 50 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | receive-cookie-deprecation | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | taboola global:local-storage-keys | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | taboola global:user-id | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | taboola global:last-external-referrer | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | *:session-data | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | taboola global:tblci | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tbl-exm-history | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tbl-exm-apperance | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | trc_cache | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | trc_cache_by_placement | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tbl-session-referrer | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | taboola global:lspb | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tbl_rtus_id | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | eng_mt.crossSessionsData.SessionsHistory | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | eng_mt.numOfTimesMetricsSent | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | eng_mt.scrollDepth | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | eng_mt.sessionDepth | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | eng_mt.sessionStartTime | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | eng_mt.timeOnSite | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | eng_mt.ver | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _data | *.bizrate.com, *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | br | *.bizrate.com, *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sessionid | *.bizrate.com, *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | rng | *.bizrate.com, *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | roi_cookie | *.bizrate.com, *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | redirect_data | *.bizrate.com, *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | COu | *.connexity.net | Taboola Europe Limited | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cnx_roi | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __tbwt | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | datadome | *.taboola.com | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ng | adscale.de | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | oo | adscale.de | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tu | adscale.de | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uu | adscale.de | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cct | adscale.de | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | kameleoonVisitorCode | *.pagesjaunes.fr | Solocal SA | 31104000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pjtmcxtv1 | www.pagesjaunes.fr | Solocal SA | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uuid | *.dsp.pagesjaunes.fr | Solocal SA | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uuid | adhslx.com | Solocal SA | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | kameleoonVisitorCode | *.pagesjaunes.fr | Solocal SA | 31104000 δευτερόλεπτα | Web | Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pa_privacy | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 34164000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | atuserid | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 34336800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | beopid | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 31535998 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | criteo_fast_bid | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Create profiles to personalise content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | criteo_fast_bid_expires | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Create profiles to personalise content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | criteo_localstorage_check | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | criteo_localstorage_check | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | criteo_pt_cdb_mngr_metrics | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cto_bundle | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 33696000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cto_bundle | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 33696000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cto_bundle | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cto_bundle | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cto_pub_test_tld | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 3597 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cto_pub_test_tld | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 3600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cto_pub_test_tld | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cto_pub_test_tld | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cto_writeable | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 3597 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cto_writeable | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 3600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cto_writeable | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cto_writeable | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _dlt | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | euconsent | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 31622400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | euconsent | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | nadz_dailyVisits | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 166896 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _pbjs_userid_consent_data | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | prebid.cookieTest | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __qca | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 33868800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __qca | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | qcSes | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SessionComprendreChoisir | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _TEST_ | www.ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __test__#{13} | ooreka.fr | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SCM | *.smaato.net | Smaato, Inc. | 1814400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SCM* | *.smaato.net | Smaato, Inc. | 907200 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SCMtemp* | *.smaato.net | Smaato, Inc. | 3600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | suid* | *.simpli.fi | Simplifi Holdings LLC | 31622399 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uid_syncd* | *.simpli.fi | Simplifi Holdings LLC | 604800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SEUNCY | *.semasio.net | Semasio GmbH | 31556952 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | smxtrack | *.smadex.com | SMADEX, S.L.U. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | browser_id | *.rqtrk.eu | Roq.ad GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | OneView Pixel | w55c.net | Roku Advertising Services | 34186698 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | track-scoota | track.scoota.co | Rockabox Media Ltd | - | Web | Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | trx | ads.revjet.com | RevJet | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ads | ads.revjet.com | RevJet | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | track_trx_* | ads.revjet.com | RevJet | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | eg* | ads.revjet.com | RevJet | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _svtri | a.svtrd.com | Relay42 Netherlands B.V. | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | r42-collect* | t.svtrd.com | Relay42 Netherlands B.V. | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | r42-partnersync* | t.svtrd.com | Relay42 Netherlands B.V. | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __rmccpa | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __rmco | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __rmco_cs | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __rmco_jsv | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __rmco_jsver | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __rmts | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cID | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ccv2 | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | icts | *.jrs5.com, *.linksynergy.com, *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ls_token | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | lsclick_mid* | *.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | lsn_statp | *.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | m* | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | mf_token | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | nextperf_token | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | opt-out | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pID | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | rmStore* | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | rmStore* | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | rmgconsent | consent.jrs5.com, consent.linksynergy.com, consent.mediaforge.com, consent.nxtck.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 34300800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | rmlconsent_* | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 34300800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | rmuid | *.jrs5.com, *.linksynergy.com, *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | rp | rmp.rakuten.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | rt_status | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tc | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uuid | *.mediaforge.com, *.nxtck.com, *.rd.linksynergy.com | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ts | *.creativecdn.com | RTB House S.A. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | u | *.creativecdn.com | RTB House S.A. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _yoid | * | RATEGAIN ADARA INC | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _yosid | * | RATEGAIN ADARA INC | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ckid | *.yieldoptimizer.com | RATEGAIN ADARA INC | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ckid | *.adaraanalytics.com | RATEGAIN ADARA INC | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | aackid | *.adaraanalytics.com | RATEGAIN ADARA INC | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __qca | * | Quantcast | 33868800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __dlt | * | Quantcast | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | mc | quantserve.com, *.quantserve.com | Quantcast | 34214400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | d | quantserve.com, *.quantserve.com | Quantcast | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sp | quantserve.com, *.quantserve.com | Quantcast | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | qoo | quantserve.com, *.quantserve.com | Quantcast | 157680000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | qor | quantserve.com, *.quantserve.com | Quantcast | 157680000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | V | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 31104000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cwbh1 | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pb_rtb_ev | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CWOptOut | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 158112000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cw | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | wf | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 604800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | vf | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | gdpr | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ccpa | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | rs | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 30 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | INGRESSCOOKIE | bh.contextweb.com, bid.contextweb.com, tag.contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | JSESSIONID | bh.contextweb.com, bid.contextweb.com, tag.contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | bhsp | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 7 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | gpp | contextweb.com | PulsePoint, Inc. | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tr_id | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tr_dt | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tr_gsd | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tr_aasd | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tr_ttdsd | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tr_adfsd | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tr_ssd | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tr_rpsd | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tr_optout | *.vtracy.de | Publicis Media GmbH | 157680000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | KADUSERCOOKIE | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | KRTBCOOKIE_[DSPID] | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | R_[DSPID] | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | PUBRETARGET | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | PugT | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | KCCH | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 30 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SyncRTB2 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SyncRTB3 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DPSync2 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DPSync3 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | KTPCACOOKIE | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | FPtrust | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DPPIX_ON | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 20 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SYNCUPPIX_ON | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 20 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | PMFREQ_ON | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | USCC | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | camfreq_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pubfreq_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | COKENBLD | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | PUBUIDSYNCUPFQ | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DPFQ | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pi | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 8 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | repi | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ipc | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 3 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SPugT | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | optout | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 157852800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | PUBMDCID | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pubtime_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pp | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _curtime | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 4200 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | PMDTSHR | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dV | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 180 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TEMPHPAUSRBKCNT_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | HPAUSRBK_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 120 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | UND | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 3600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SSCS | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | chk | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | chkSecSet | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | chkChromeAb67 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | chkChromeAb67Sec | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | PM-UL-Sync | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uids | *.ow.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | aid_key | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | limited_tracking_ad_key | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SyncRTB4 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DPSync4 | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | PubMatic | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | PubMatic_USP | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | PubMatic_GPP | *.ads.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _evidon_consent_ls_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _evidon_visitor_ls_ | *.pubmatic.com | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pvc* | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pcc* | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | trc | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ad2 | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | view | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | landing | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid_lu | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | c | ads.creative-serving.com | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __aav* | adrta.com, cdn.adrta.com, rta247.com, cdn.rta247.com | Pixalate, Inc. | 62899200 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __aas* | adrta.com, cdn.adrta.com, rta247.com, cdn.rta247.com | Pixalate, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | odn_id | *.otto.de | Otto GmbH & Co. KGaA | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | bku | *.bluekai.com | Oracle Advertising | 15552000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | bkdc | *.bluekai.com | Oracle Advertising | 15552000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cm_uid | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | UID | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | permanent | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cache* | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ct_uid | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ct_did | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ct_idt | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DID | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | IDT | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cookie_ver | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | block_reset | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | *_oo | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | [tracking_]DID | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | [tracking_]tid | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | [tracking_]permanent | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | [tracking_]ucontacts | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | [tracking_]CCAP | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | [tracking_]NDEL | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | [tracking_]CCAP_TOTAL | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | [tracking_]lead_* | *.adsafety.net | Online Solution | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | idt | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DID | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | UID | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cookie_ver | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | *CAP | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | *NDEL | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | *_oo | rads.recognified.net | Online Solution | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cc | on-device.com | On Device Research Limited | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | op_u_id | opt.objectiveportal.com | Objective Partners BV | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | id | m6r.eu | OS Data Solutions GmbH | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | yieldlab | m6r.eu | OS Data Solutions GmbH | 604800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | adx | m6r.eu | OS Data Solutions GmbH | 604800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | adscale | m6r.eu | OS Data Solutions GmbH | 604800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | appnexus | m6r.eu | OS Data Solutions GmbH | 604800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cct | m6r.eu | OS Data Solutions GmbH | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | EE | *.exelator.com | Nielsen Media Research Ltd. | 10368000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | hsk_ | *.exelator.com | Nielsen Media Research Ltd. | 10368000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | NDID | *.exelator.com | Nielsen Media Research Ltd. | 10368000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ud | *.exelator.com | Nielsen Media Research Ltd. | 10368000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | udo | *.exelator.com | Nielsen Media Research Ltd. | 10368000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _rxuuid | *.1rx.io | Nexxen Group LLC | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _rxuuid | *.targeting.unrulymedia.com | Nexxen Group LLC | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __adroll | d.adroll.com | NextRoll, Inc. | 50000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __adroll_shared | *.adroll.com | NextRoll, Inc. | 34128000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __adroll_fpc | * | NextRoll, Inc. | 31557600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __adroll_bounced3 | * | NextRoll, Inc. | 157680000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __adroll_bounce_closed | * | NextRoll, Inc. | 157680000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __adroll_load_stats | * | NextRoll, Inc. | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __adroll_consent_params | * | NextRoll, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __adroll_tcf_banner_seen | s.adroll.com | NextRoll, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __adroll_consent_data | s.adroll.com | NextRoll, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | a* | aa.agkn.com | Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | u | d.agkn.com | Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TruAudienceID | fid.agkn.com | Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TruAudienceID | tru-m.agkn.com | Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | n_one | *.cdnwebcloud.com | NEURAL.ONE | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | n_one_dnt | *.cdnwebcloud.com | NEURAL.ONE | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | n_o_bc_ | *.cdnwebcloud.com | NEURAL.ONE | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | n_o_bc_cpg | *.cdnwebcloud.com | NEURAL.ONE | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | *_uid | *.ad-srv.net, *.rebounce.ai, *.simptrack.com, *.neory-tm.net | NEORY GmbH | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _dd_s | www.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 900 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __hs_opt_out | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 15768000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __hssrc | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __hstc | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _fbp | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _ga | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gcl_au | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gid | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _hjAbsoluteSessionProgress | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _hjSession | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _hjSessionUser | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | hubspotutk | *.moloco.com | Moloco, Inc. | 15768000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | wg-slugs | tracking.adtech123.com | Moloco, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | khaos | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | khaos_p | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | audit | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | audit_p | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | trp_optout | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | trp_optout_p | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uids | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uids-audit | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cd | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | FPTrust | *.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | fcap | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | emilyRan | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | khaos | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sample_number | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pux | eus.rubiconproject.com | Magnite, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tvid | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tvv | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tvssa | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 432000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tv_* | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tvrg_* | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 60 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tvfc_* | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tvdfc_* | *.tremorhub.com | Magnite CTV, Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | csuuid | *.primis.tech | M.D. Primis Technologies Ltd. | 2160000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _cc_id | *.crwdcntrl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _cc_domain | *.crwdcntrl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _cc_dc | *.crwdcntrl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _cc_cc | *.crwdcntrl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _cc_aud | *.crwdcntrl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _cc_id | *.ltmsphrcl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _cc_cc | *.ltmsphrcl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _cc_aud | *.ltmsphrcl.net | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | panoramaId | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | lotame_*_consent | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | panoramaId_expiry | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | panoramaId_expiry_exp | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | panoramaId_exp | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _cc_id | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | viewer_token | tk0x1.com | LoopMe Limited | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | viewer_token | us.tk0x1.com | LoopMe Limited | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | rlas3 | *.rlcdn.com | LiveRamp | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pxrc | *.rlcdn.com | LiveRamp | 5184000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | optout | *.rlcdn.com | LiveRamp | 315576000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _lr_retry_request | * | LiveRamp | 3600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _lr_geo_location | * | LiveRamp | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _lr_drop_match_pixel | * | LiveRamp | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _lr_env_src_ats | * | LiveRamp | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _lr_env | * | LiveRamp | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | idl_env | * | LiveRamp | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | *LASTREFRESHTIME | - | LiveRamp | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | *CREATEDAT | - | LiveRamp | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | *TYPE | - | LiveRamp | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | *CONTENT | - | LiveRamp | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | jvx_dnt | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | jvxsync | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | jvxadbsync | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | jvxbksync | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | jvxkxsync | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | 604800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | jvxlotsync | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | syncMsg | *.jivox.com | Jivox Corporation | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uuid | innovid.com | Innovid LLC | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CMPS | *.casalemedia.com | Index Exchange Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CMTEST | *.casalemedia.com | Index Exchange Inc. | 3600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CMID | *.casalemedia.com | Index Exchange Inc. | 31104000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CMPRO | *.casalemedia.com | Index Exchange Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CMO | *.casalemedia.com | Index Exchange Inc. | 157680000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | IXWRAPPERLiveRampIp | * | Index Exchange Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | IXWRAPPERMerkleIp | * | Index Exchange Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | IXWRAPPERAdserverOrgIp | * | Index Exchange Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | IXWRAPPERlib_mem | * | Index Exchange Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid_lu | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pct | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pvt | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ih | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | fh | * | Improve Digital | 86399 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pxl | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | um | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | umeh | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sh | * | Improve Digital | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ad | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uids | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid | *.bidswitch.net | IPONWEB GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid_lu | *.bidswitch.net | IPONWEB GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | c | *.bidswitch.net | IPONWEB GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __uu | hurra.com | Hurra Communications GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pvs | ssl.hurra.com | Hurra Communications GmbH | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ac* | ssl.hurra.com | Hurra Communications GmbH | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | id | mookie1.com | GroupM UK Limited | 34128000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | mdata | mookie1.com | GroupM UK Limited | 34128000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ov | mookie1.com | GroupM UK Limited | 34128000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | syncdata_ | mookie1.com | GroupM UK Limited | 864000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | NID | google.com | Google Advertising Products | 15552000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DSID | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | id | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __gads | * | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | IDE | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gcl_dc | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gcl_au | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | FLC | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 10 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | RUL | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gac_ | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gcl_aw | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | Conversion | googleadservices.com | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | FCNEC | * | Google Advertising Products | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | test_cookie | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 900 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gcl_gf | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gcl_ha | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | FPGCLDC | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __gsas | * | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | FPAU | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | FPGCLAW | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | FPGCLGB | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gcl_gb | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gac_gb_ | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gcl_ag | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _gcl_gs | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | GED_PLAYLIST_ACTIVITY | * | Google Advertising Products | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __gpi | * | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __gpi_optout | * | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | GCL_AW_P | google.com, googleadservices.com | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | receive-cookie-deprecation | doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 15552000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ar_debug | googleadservices.com, google-analytics.com, doubleclick.net | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sui | *.sensic.net | GfK GmbH | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sui_3pc | *.sensic.net | GfK GmbH | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sui_1pc | * | GfK GmbH | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sui | *.sensic.net | GfK GmbH | - | Web | Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CxtId | ssl.connextra.com, ee.connextra.com, ff.connextra.com, ut.connextra.com, zz.connextra.com, us.connextra.com, dcs.connextra.com | Genius Sports UK Limited | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ClientAttribution | ssl.connextra.com, ee.connextra.com, ff.connextra.com, ut.connextra.com | Genius Sports UK Limited | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | FrequencyCappingCookie | ssl.connextra.com, ee.connextra.com, ff.connextra.com, ut.connextra.com | Genius Sports UK Limited | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | betslip | zz.connextra.com, us.connextra.com, dcs.connextra.com | Genius Sports UK Limited | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | AnalyseUnique | *.gsitrix.com | GP One GmbH | 25920000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | W3HUnique | *.skadtec.com | GP One GmbH | 25920000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | flashtalkingad1 | *.flashtalking.com | Flashtalking | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _D9J | *.flashtalking.com | Flashtalking | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | exactag_new_cpv | * | Exactag GmbH | 600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | exactag_new_gk | * | Exactag GmbH | 5184000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | exactag_new_uk | * | Exactag GmbH | 15552000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | exactag_new_user | * | Exactag GmbH | 15552000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | exactag_new_ui | * | Exactag GmbH | 15552000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | session_session | * | Exactag GmbH | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pid | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pdomid | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pbw | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 172800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sasd | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sasd2 | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | comp | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | partner-* | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | vs | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | csync | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | csfq | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 21600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cnfq | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 21600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | gid | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dyncdn | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | Trk* | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TestIfCookie | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TestIfCookieP | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | x-smrt-d | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sas_euconsent | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sas_euconsentv2 | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | lcsrd | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | rpools | *.smartadserver.com | Equativ | 31540000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DotomiUser | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DotomiSync | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DotomiStatus | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 158284800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_status | * | Epsilon | 158284800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_gdpr_delete | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | DotomiSession_* | dotomi.com | Epsilon | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_token_sc | * | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_token | * | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_token | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_token_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_sync | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_sync_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_tcdata | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_tcdata_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_persisted_em_sc | * | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_persisted_em | * | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_persisted_em | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_persisted_em_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_user_id_sc | * | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_user_id | * | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_user_id | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_user_id_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | svid | mediaplex.com | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | rts | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _pubcid | * | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _publink | * | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dtm_gpc_optout | * | Epsilon | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | up | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
Προμηθευτές TCF | receive-cookie-deprecation | dotomi.com | Epsilon | 34190000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ar_debug | dotomi.com | Epsilon | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uuid | * | Ensighten | 157680000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tracking-effiliation | track.effiliation.com | Effiliation / Effinity | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | RTBUserId | brain.rvty.net | EASYmedia GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | RTBUserId-Old | brain.rvty.net | EASYmedia GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | RTBUserId-Plain | brain.rvty.net | EASYmedia GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uid | researchnow.com | Dynata LLC | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid | *.company-target.com | Demandbase, Inc. | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid_lu | *.company-target.com | Demandbase, Inc. | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | guid | *.de17a.com | Delta Projects AB | 31104000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cid | *.ctnsnet.com | Crimtan Holdings Limited | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | bid | *.consentag.eu | Crimtan Holdings Limited | 12960000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | UID | *.scorecardresearch.com | Comscore B.V. | 33696000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | PID | *.scorecardresearch.com | Comscore B.V. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | XID | *.scorecardresearch.com | Comscore B.V. | 33696000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _scor_uid | * | Comscore B.V. | 33696000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TCID | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CAID | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TCSESSION | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TCREDIRECT | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TCREDIRECT_DEDUP | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tc_cj_v2 | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tc_cj_v2_cmp | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tc_cj_v2_med | *.commander1.com | Commanders Act | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | clinch-sid | *.clinch.co | Clinch Labs LTD | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cbcdfp | *.cintworks.net | Cint AB | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cuid | identity.celtra.com | Celtra Inc. | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | pi | ml314.com | Bombora Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _ccmaid | ml314.com | Bombora Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | b | *.blismedia.com | Blis Global Limited | 31556952 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | id | - | Blis Global Limited | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cP | neodatagroup.com | Blendee srl | 31556952 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cProfile | neodatagroup.com | Blendee srl | 31556952 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tR | neodatagroup.com | Blendee srl | 31556952 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cOptout | neodatagroup.com | Blendee srl | 31556952 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | neoLastSync_* | * | Blendee srl | - | Web | Create profiles for personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | bito | match.prod.bidr.io | BeeswaxIO Corporation | 34128000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | basis-cookie | *.sitescout.com | Basis Global Technologies, Inc. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | cc | c.bannerflow.com | Bannerflow AB | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid | *.bidswitch.net | BIDSWITCH GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tuuid_lu | *.bidswitch.net | BIDSWITCH GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | c | *.bidswitch.net | BIDSWITCH GmbH | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | apr_dsu | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | apr_tsys | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _usrp_lq | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _usrp_lq | * | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _usrp_ref | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _usrp_tracker | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | apr_tdc | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sak_cxense | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | apr_lotame | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sync_cdwdcl_ts | tag.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sync_adformdsp_ts | tag.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | issued_ts | tag.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | failed_ts | tag.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | seen_ts | tag.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __bpn_uid | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | i | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | q | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dc | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __bpn_uid | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __ur_i | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __ur_q | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __ur_dc | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __ur_edge | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | __bpn_puid | *.userreport.com | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
Προμηθευτές TCF | avlukey | dc.arrivalist.com | Arrivalist Co. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | avlcnt | dc.arrivalist.com | Arrivalist Co. | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ad-id | *amazon-adsystem.com | Amazon Advertising | 23670000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | vendor-id | * | Amazon Advertising | 2592000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | amzn-token | * | Amazon Advertising | 604800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | *sessionMarker/marker | * | Amazon Advertising | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | D4 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | B6 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | C6 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | A6 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | activityInfo2 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | OT2 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | S2 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TargetingInfo3 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | G4 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | C_* | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | S_* | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 129600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ORD | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CISI_* | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 900 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | OT_* | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | searchsession_* | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | u2 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | r1 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | t1 | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | eyeblaster | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ebImpressionID_* | *.serving-sys.com | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ebPanelFrequencyPerSession | * | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ebPanelFrequency | * | Amazon Ad Server | 604800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ebPanelFrequencyPerSession | * | Amazon Ad Server | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ebPanelFrequency | * | Amazon Ad Server | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SZMKSessionId | * | Amazon Ad Server | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SZMKuid | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | atbgdid | d.adtriba.com | Adtriba GmbH | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | atbpdid | o.adtriba.com | Adtriba GmbH | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | demdex | *.demdex.net | Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Experience Platform | 15552000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dextp | *.demdex.net | Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Experience Platform | 15552000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | dst | *.demdex.net | Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Experience Platform | 15552000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _lcc | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 900 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _tmae | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | adcloud | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 31449600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | ev_sync_* | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 2678400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | everest_g_v2 | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 63072000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | everest_session_v2 | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _tmid | *.everesttech.net | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 31536000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | C | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 315360000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TPC | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | GCM | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CM | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CM14 | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | otsid | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 315360000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uid | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 5184000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | SR | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CT | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 3600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | EBFCD | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 25200 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | EBFC | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 25200 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CFFC | *.adform.net | Adform A/S | 25200 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | C | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 315360000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | TPC | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | GCM | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CM | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 86400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | CM14 | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 1209600 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | otsid | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 315360000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | uid | *.seadform.net | Adform A/S | 5184000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | UserID1 | adfarm1.adition.com | Active Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | LogID1_* | adfarm1.adition.com | Active Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH) | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | lv_* | adfarm1.adition.com | Active Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | lc_* | adfarm1.adition.com | Active Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | oo | adfarm1.adition.com | Active Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tk_tracking | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tk_ui | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | sync_* | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tk_iid_* | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 14400 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | tk_ui_third | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
Προμηθευτές TCF | adv_iid | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | adv_ui | eu.adventori.com, ap.adventori.com, na.adventori.com, adventori.com, adventori.weborama.fr | ADventori SAS | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | UserID1 | adfarm1.adition.com | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | LogID1_* | adfarm1.adition.com | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | lv_* | adfarm1.adition.com | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | lc_* | adfarm1.adition.com | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | oo | adfarm1.adition.com | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | UserID1 | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | LogID1_* | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
Προμηθευτές TCF | lv_* | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | lc_* | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | oo | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _autuserid2 | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _autoo | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Προμηθευτές TCF | _autaclids | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 δευτερόλεπτα | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
Η πολιτική cookie ενημερώθηκε τελευταία φορά στις 27 Μαρτίου 2025.